San Diego Office Furniture & Modular Design Gets Google Beacon

San Diego Office Furniture & Modular Design just got our very own Google Beacon! Now it will be easier than ever to find us when you are out searching for office furniture near you. So what is a Google Beacon?

Here is some information about Google Beacon from

The Google Beacons can be used to mark a physical location, you can mark a small location, so that means you can track a conversion from a specific Google AdWords campaign.

If you had an AdWords campaign for a certain product, the Beacon can be placed in that products location (right down to a specific shopping aisle) and will know if somebody who has seen that ad on their phone goes to the location of the product.

This means that there is another goal that can be tracked for conversions in a physical way. You can track the conversions of how many people came to your shop after seeing your ad online, so it is another way to see the effectiveness of your ad.

You will be able to see exactly how many people came to your shop after seeing your ad on their mobile because the Beacon will connect with that same device creating a conversion for that person.

This in turn means you can measure actual ROI from campaigns targeting physical real-world locations.

Your Google business listings will also benefit from a beacon, the Google Beacon can track popular times for people to visit your shop or company, give customers the opportunity to upload photos and reviews straight from their mobiles.

This will help improve the quality of information available to your customers within your business listing. Promotions and information can be broadcasted to all receptive devices within the proximity of the Beacon. These can be set up to alert them on your business listing when they are within range of your location.

This could mean that people who weren’t intending on using your business see the offer or event and then as a result visit the shop. Special offers or big events that your company is having presently or in the future can be sent directly to your customers phones when they are in your shop.

A new ease for customers is also provided, people can order things directly to that Beacon because of the precise location, for example if a restaurant put a beacon on each table then people could order directly from their phone.

This is likely to increase sales and therefore the profit for your company. The precise location means that indoor navigation is possible, navigating round an airport or a shopping centre would be available on phones or tablets with the use of Beacons.

We are excited to make finding and ordering from San Diego Office & Modular Design as easy as possible for our customers. Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to call or come in today!

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